Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Checking Blood Pressure in Internal Medicine

Sometime in April      Wallace’s Appointment in Internal Medicine
            I entered through the narrow door. The one that leads to drawing and wonder.
I drew Wallace’s physical check in yesterday for blood pressure. There was some concern about his high blood pressure. My Concern is that he has been so subdued and withdrawn. Medicated.
Friendly caring doctor. I drew her, the documenter, and the nurse in turquoise. I paid attention.
            The day opened around me like a flower. A beautiful flower, luminous.
I got the exact permissions signed.
We left. I felt like speaking to everyone we met and I did.
We crossed the luminous skyway upheld and embraced by light.
             We went to eat lunch and met caring my brothers former doctor whose embrace and kindness to Wallace moved me deeply. Then we ate. I thought I saw Jean from PT but didn’t find her even when I ran after her. What I did find later was a memory of a print that might be sold and that would bring money to me.
Then I saw Kris and Sheila.
Saw my supervisor. I love her emotionalism and stories. 
She helped me with schedule advocacy/ email/invoice clarity. So Great! So much help.
Then I took Wallace home.
Then cleaned for 10 minutes.
Back to HCMC with Josh for his acupuncture appointment.
I drew deeper and looked closer.
Saw the Actual Needles.
Drew deeper. Borrowed charts. 
Felt the subtle energy all around me.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Here I Stand

  I spent yesterday drawing all afternoon in ER as part of my ongoing project to Draw a Day in the Life of Hennepin Healthcare.

I drew many of the providers and hinted at the patients various and varied dillemas. 
Drawing in ER at 3 am

I recalled those frenzied moments of Drawing in ER at 3 am

But it was quiet for me yesterday. Calm

All the providers said it was a Crazy day but I found it fairly quiet because I was not looking after a beloved in Crisis.

I drew Team A as they worked.
I drew Team B in a Shift Change
I drew Team C in Pre Rounds.

and I drew the Blanket Warmer.

I heard the groans and familiar cries...yet knew that as Unexpected as ER is these people in need had landed in a good place and would be cared for...and perhaps that is what they were seeking after all.
Care and Comfort through Crisis.

There were hidden places there I could not access... and wanted to draw in  The Stabilization Room where those who have been in a car accident or shot or stabbed go.
I saw its bright lights briefly as the doors opened.

But I could not draw there...

So I drew mostly providers, hinted at patients because of privacy and even drew the Blanket Warmer which has comforted me countless times.
I drew individual doctors and nurses. Their faces shining in the light of duty.

and then I left ER. 
I walked through those familiar swinging doors. 
And there was Carson in the coffee shop just like exactly a year ago. I had a latte and a lemon poppyseed muffin just like that afternoon a year ago when I took a break from Josh in his hospital room  and sat outside with my hard won treats...and then Frank the accountant stopped and we chatted and he gave me the name of Sheila the administrator and I called her and saw her the next morning and my life changed. (Frank no longer works there.
I imagine he was an angel in the disguise of being an accountant)
So there I stood yesterday with my official badge ordering a coffee again after being paid to draw.
And I wept.