Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 2nd 2020

Ironic How The Time Passes
At this time of the Coronavirus I resume this Blog so as to look back on my Artistic Medical Journey with my late husband Josh and to look ahead to recording and honoring those in the Medical Field
who risk their lives for us now with this mysterious and insidious virus.

So I have not written in this blog for over a year. Following the inner harmony I found
in doing the William Morris Designs in the last post things went Hay Wire
Josh asked me for a stone to sooth his parched mouth. I complied so as to avert another
Bickersons melt down. Times were tough.
He swallowed the stone
April Fools Day opened with a phone call at 6:30 am

"Anita, I want you to call CNN and tell them that I swallowed a stone
and am having Surgery. This will make you a Famous Artist."

I laughed and said "What a Great April Fools Day Joke Josh!"

But it wasn't. His already weak and fragile frame underwent surgery that April Fools 
Day. I was sure I would lose him...Ten days later I did. He survived. When the surgeon came into the waiting room and remarked on my art at length I knew he had not died.

I spent the night with Josh in ICU. It was tough but we navigated that uncertain terrain as we always had and were gifted with one last night together.

Josh was transferred to Bethesda Hospital and died there on April 10th so very peacefully with his Edema swollen legs skinny again. One last medical mystical gift
I watch over and draw you one more time.
Pondering the horizon that holds the landscape of our life together.

The night wore on. I held your hand as the angel troubled the waters for us.
I pulled my hand away briefly and then you were gone..drifting peacefully
in the deep waters of your Eternal Slumber.
