Tuesday, August 28, 2018



       This afternoon I drove north on 55 at rush hour on my way to draw at HCMC… I looked for the Tent Encampement and then there it was. So visible and invisible. So much need so apparent. And so much vulnerability. I could not stop to draw for I was on my way to the hospital.
       Parking was easy to find in the late afternoon and I hesitated in my car. No one was expecting me, but I made my way. In the coffee shop a large woman spotted me and asked about the support hose I was wearing and we chatted. She did not want to be drawn.
     Drawing is connecting and it can be vulnerable too. I kept walking and found my way to a nurses’s station on the 4th floor.
There I drew and visited with a nurse in the Surgical Trauma unit.  I tried to do my best.
    Then I sat in a chair and drew the long hallway of Cares as people passed by, as someone was guided on a gurney far down the hall. The empty and the full hall… and the vulnerable patients in their rooms struggling with pain.
    On the way home I drove closer to the encampment. There are amenities and there are needs and there is my friends articulate letter to the editor this morning
   I drew the best I could and then left to come home. Here I sit with my husband and his vulnerable health.. and my own vulnerabilities come sharply into focus as well as I struggle to sell my art and make ends meet.